With HOLD ME TIGHT, HIGHLAND SANCTUARY releases his first single on the 28th of June 2019.
Behind the new Swiss folk-pop act Highland Sanctuary is the young, extremely talented musician, singer/songwriter and music producer Simeon.
The artist from Berne grew up in a family of musicians. As a child he attended piano and percussion lessons and at high school he also had guitar lessons and acquired music theoretical knowledge. Afterwards, he deepened his knowledge and skills at the University of Music. As versatile as his father, who is a professional musician, Simeon taught himself other instruments such as electric bass, contrabass, banjo, alto saxophone, trumpet and tin-whistle.
It doesn’t really sound like it, but Highland Sanctuary is a one-man band. Simeon plays all the instruments himself, sings and has written all the songs himself. But not enough, he produced all songs in his own recording studio Famous Sound Productions.This concept is also consistently applied live: Highland Sanctuary presents a crazy one-man-show!
As the term “Highland” indicates, instruments from Irish folk music are mainly used.
Influenced by The Passenger and Mumford and Sons, Highland Sanctuary creates an unmistakable sound that is guaranteed to sweep people away on the radio, in pubs and at festivals. Highland Sanctuary – one of the most promising new acts in 2019!
Mit HOLD ME TIGHT veröffentlicht HIGHLAND SANCTUARY am 28. Juni 2019 seine erste Single.
Hinter dem neuen schweizer Folk-Pop Act Highland Sanctuary steckt der junge, äusserst talentierte Musiker, Singer/Songwriter und Musikproduzent Simeon.
Der Berner ist in einer Musiker-Familie aufgewachsen. Als Kind besuchte er den Klavier- und Schlagzeugunterricht und am Gymnasium kamen Gitarren-Unterricht sowie musiktheoretisches Wissen hinzu. Danach vertiefte er sein Wissen und Können in der Musik-Fachhochschule. Vielseitig begabt, wie sein Vater welcher Berufsmusiker ist, lernte Simeon autodidaktisch weitere Instrumente wie E-Bass, Kontrabass, Banjo, Alto-Saxophon, Trompete und Tin-Whistle.
Es klingt nicht wirklich danach, aber Highland Sanctuary ist eine One-Man-Band. Simeon spielt sämtliche Instrumente selber, singt und hat auch alle Songs selber geschrieben. Doch dem nicht genug, produzierte er in seinem eigenen Tonstudio Famous Sound Productions alle Songs in Eigenregie. Dieses Konzept wird auch Live konsequent umgesetzt: Highland Sanctuary präsentiert eine verrückte One-Man-Show!
Wie der Begriff „Highland“ vermuten lässt, kommen vorwiegend Instrumente aus der irischen Folk-Musik zum Einsatz.
Mit Einflüssen von The Passenger und Mumford and Sons gelingt es Highland Sanctuary einen unverkennbaren Sound zu kreieren, welcher im Radio, in Pubs und an Festivals die Leute garantiert mitzureissen vermag. Highland Sanctuary – einer der vielversprechendsten neuen Acts im 2019!
Il 28 giugno HIGHLAND SANCTUARY rilascerà HOLD ME TIGHT, il suo primo singolo.
Dietro il nuovo artista folk-pop svizzero Highland Sanctuary sta il giovane e talentuoso musicista, cantautore e produttore musicale Simeon.
L’artista di Berna è cresciuto in una famiglia di musicisti. Da bambino ha frequentato lezioni di pianoforte e batteria e al liceo ha preso anche lezioni di chitarra e ha acquisito conoscenze teoriche sulla musica. In seguito, ha approfondito le sue conoscenze e competenze presso l’Università di Musica. Versatile come suo padre, musicista di professione, Simeon da autodidatta ha imparato a suonare altri strumenti come il basso elettrico, il contrabbasso, il banjo, il sassofono contralto, la tromba e il piffero.
Non sembrerebbe, ma Highland Sanctuary è una one-man band. Simeon suona tutti gli strumenti, canta e ha scritto tutte le canzoni da solo. Ma questo non basta, ha prodotto tutte le canzoni nel suo studio di registrazione Famous Sound Productions. Questo concept viene costantemente applicato anche dal vivo: Highland Sanctuary presenta un one-man show straordinario!
Come indica il termine “Highland”, vengono utilizzati principalmente strumenti della musica popolare irlandese.
Influenzato da The Passenger e Mumford and Sons, Highland Sanctuary crea un sound inconfondibile che sicuramente sorprenderà la gente alla radio, nei pub e nei festival. Highland Sanctuary – uno dei nuovi artisti più promettenti del 2019!