Since Highland Sanctuary started, his schedule has been constantly filled with new concert dates. The new Swiss folk-pop act ist very well received, his one-man show is convincing and the radios are also starting to play his music.
With “Of Valleys and Hills” Highland Sanctuary is releasing his second single. In this song he poetically describes the ups and downs of a relationship. Highland Sanctuary: “The path is the goal you have to hold on to from the past to the present and into the future. The way leads over hills and valleys and exactly these roller coaster rides promote and strengthen friendships enormously”.
The result is a wonderful, cheerful song – a tribute to friendship!
Just like on “Hold Me Tight”, Highland Sanctuary plays all instruments on his second single, sings, wrote and produced the song himself.

Kaum war Highland Sanctuary gestartet, füllt sich sein Terminkalender stetig mit neuen Konzertdaten. Der neue Schweizer Folk-Pop Act kommt sehr gut an, seine One-Man Show überzeugt und auch die Radios beginnen seine Musik zu spielen.
Mit „Of Valleys and Hills“ veröffentlicht Highland Sanctuary seine zweite Single. In diesem Song beschreibt er auf poetische Art und Weise die Höhen und Tiefen einer Beziehung. Dazu Highland Sanctuary:„Der Weg ist das Ziel, woran man von der Vergangenheit über die Gegenwart bis in die Zukunft festhalten muss. Der Weg führt über Hügel und Täler und genau diese Achterbahnfahrten fördern und stärken Freundschaften enorm.“
Entstanden ist ein wunderschöner, fröhlicher Song – ein Hoch auf die Freundschaft!
Wie bei „Hold Me Tight“ spielt Highland Sanctuary auch bei seiner zweiten Single sämtliche Instrumente, singt, schrieb und produzierte den Song selber.

Da quando Highland Sanctuary ha iniziato, il suo calendario si sta costantemente riempiendo di nuove date di concerti. Il nuovo artista folk-pop svizzero è molto apprezzato, il suo one-man show è convincente e anche le radio stanno iniziando a suonare la sua musica.
“Of Valleys and Hills” è il secondo singolo pubblicato da Highland Sanctuary. In questa canzona descrive poeticamente gli alti e bassi di una relazione. Highland Sanctuary: “Il sentiero è l’obiettivo a cui bisogno aggrapparsi dal passato al presente e al futuro. Il percorso porta ad attraversare colline e valli e proprio questi favoriscono e rafforzano enormemente le amicizie.”
Il risultato è una canzone bellissima e allegra – un riconoscimento all’amicizia!
Proprio come anche per “Hold Me Tight”, Highland Sanctuary stesso canta, ha scritto, prodotto e suonato tutti gli strumenti del suo secondo singolo da solo.

Of Valleys and Hills

Format : Digital